The Importance Of Luggage Tags

 The Importance Of  Luggage Tags

Cruise luggage tags are an important step in cruising. Normal luggage tags alone won't do. Cruise luggage tags are specific to the cruise line. they will have a certain number, letter or color that is used by the cruise ship staff to sort and deliver the luggage to the correct passengers staterooms. Cruise lines deal with thousands of passengers each with one or more piece. If it were not for theses tags, you would never receive your luggage and it would be hard to determine what was what.
However, It is still just as important to have a traditional luggage tag on your suitcases with your contact information. This is especially important if you are flying into port. Having your contact info helps to know ho to contact in the event your luggage is lost or left behind. But the cruise ship luggage tag provided by the cruise line is also important and needs to be attached.

If you are concerned about people seeing your information when it is not needed you can protect your privacy by purchasing a travel luggage tag with a privacy panel. This hides your personal information with a flap that must be opened in order to view it.

How Do You Get Your Cruise Luggage Tags

In order to obtain your cruise line luggage tags most Cruise Lines require you to print them out of their Cruise Planner online at home on the cruise line's website. They are provided before departure.

Make sure you print out your luggage tags early to avoid any issues that may arise such as your printer running out of ink or not working.

If you are new to cruising then you may not be familiar with how exactly to attach the tags to your suitcase and it stay there.  Make sure you print out a cruise tag for each bag you intend to bring including any bags you intend to carry on. Print a few extras just incase more is needed or any get torn or lost. Here are two options.

1.  Tape Them 
You can attach the cruise luggage tags the old fashion way by attaching them with clear packing tape. To do this you will need to fold the tags over in order to make them thicker and strengthen them. Make sure to loop the tags over the handle of your suitcase and then tape the tag all the way around. Think of it like laminating.

2. Purchase cruise luggage tag holders

Cruise luggage tag holders can be purchased and are made specific to each cruise line as each have different sized luggage tags. Amazon is one of the biggest sellers for these and they are fairly inexpensive. I prefer this option for securing tags to luggage as it generally hold up much easier and is less likely to tear off.

Where To Purchase Cruise Ship Luggage Tag Holders

Carnival Luggage Tags

If you are booked on a Carnival cruise then these are the luggage tag holders you will need. You can purchase them Here.

Royal Caribbean & Celebrity Cruise Luggage Tag Holders

These are the luggage tag holders you will need. You can purchase them Here.

Norwegian Cruise Line Luggage Tags

 These are the luggage tag holders you will need. You can purchase them Here.

Princess Cruise Luggage Tags

These are the luggage tag holders you will need. You can purchase them Here.

Holland America

These are the luggage tag holders you will need. You can purchase them Here.

As always if the cruise line has specific guidelines for attaching their luggage tags please ensure you follow their directions.

#luggagetags #barelycruising #Travelagent #carnival #MSC #Hollandamerica #royalcaribbean #celebritycruise #Carnival #princess #norwegian


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